Kéroul and Taxelco join forces on a pilot project for an adapted taxi service

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The pilot project, which will run from July 10 to October 10, 2024 in the Greater Montreal area, aims to improve mobility and gather feedback to optimize the service.

Kéroul, a non-profit organization whose actions aim to make tourism and culture accessible, is pleased to announce an innovative partnership with Taxelco (Téo Taxi, Taxi Diamond...), Quebec's largest cab dispatcher, and the launch of a new transportation service for people using adapted services through a pilot project running from July 10 to October 10, 2024.

This partnership aims to promote and encourage the use of adapted cab services in the Greater Montreal area, to enable mobility for all. This pilot project will determine the feasibility and effectiveness of this on-demand adapted transport solution. Feedback from users will be essential in assessing and improving the service.

Project objectives and details:

  • An adapted taxi available in less than an hour in the Greater Montreal area: until October 10, 2024, users will benefit from accessible transportation in less than an hour, at the same fare as a regular taximeter ride, in Montreal and the inner ring.
  • Easy and convenient booking by phone, on the teo.cab website or on the Téo mobile app: bookings can be made via a dedicated phone number, 514-322-5160 option #5. Alternatively, users can select the " Adapted Vehicle " option available on the Téo mobile application or book online at teo.cab, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

As Montreal still has room for improvement in terms of transport accessibility, Kéroul and Taxelco are determined to do their part. As Isabelle Ducharme, President of Kéroul's Board of Directors, points out, "This initiative is a crucial step towards improving accessibility and mobility for people with disabilities. This project demonstrates Kéroul's and Taxelco's commitment to making our society more equitable and accessible to all, and the importance of inclusion in our transportation services."


About Kéroul: Kéroul is a non-profit organization that has been working to make tourism and culture accessible to people with disabilities for over 40 years. It has a database of over 2,500 establishments certified according to their accessibility criteria, supports organizations in improving their infrastructures and services, trains front-line staff, and manages the Tourism establishment accessibility program entrusted by the Ministry of Tourism.

About Taxelco : The largest cab dispatcher in Quebec, Taxelco comprises five cab banners: Taxi Diamond, Taxi Hochelaga, Taxi Prestige Châteauguay, Taxi Central Beloeil and Téo Taxi, a 100% electric banner, as well as the corporate transport solution Netlift, operating in the Greater Montreal area.


For more information, please contact :
Aurélie Danjou, Marketing Project Manager at Taxelco, adanjou@taxelco.com
Karianne Lamothe, Communications and Marketing Manager, klamothe@keroul.qc.ca

Website : https://www.keroul.qc.ca/ / https://lequebecpourtous.com/

Website : https://teo.taxi/