Hôtel Roquemont

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Not accessible

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2010

Hôtel Roquemont
105, rue Grande-Ligne
Saint-Raymond, (Québec)
G3L 2Y4

Phone 1: 418 337 6734
Phone 2: 1 877 337 6734
Website: www.roquemont.com
Email: info@roquemont.com

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No picture available

Number of accessible rooms : 0
Number of rooms : 26
Accessible parking : 2

  • Entrance*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Entrance: door sill more than 13 mm : 3 cm
    • Entrance: limited manoeuvring space in front of the door
  • Inside of the establishment*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Access to the conference room
    • Access to the bar
    • Reception counter too high : 1,15 m
  • Food service*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Access to the dining room : le biseau du seuil de la porte est en pente raide
  • Room*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Room(s): door width between 710-800 mm : 75 cm
    • Room(s): light switch too high : 1,35 m
    • Room(s): wall socket too low : 32 cm
    • Room(s): round doorknob
    • Room(s): closet pole too high : 1,74 m
    • Room(s): limited transfer area beside the bed : 60 cm
  • Bathroom*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Bathroom : door width less than 710 mm
    • Bathroom non accessible
  • Public washroom*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Washrooms: clear width of door between 710-800 mm : 75 cm (restaurant)
    • Washrooms: insufficient transfer area : 55 cm (restaurant)
    • Washroom: faucets : ronde (lavabo) (restaurant)
    • Washrooms: door lock too high : 1,26 m (restaurant)
    • Washrooms: grab bar(s) : trop basse (restaurant)