Sanctuaire de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Religious building and site

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Sanctuaire de Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
10018, avenue Royale
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, (Québec)
G0A 3C0

Phone 1: 418 827 3781

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Parking | (situé : au côté de l'établissement)

Reserved seat location
 Far from the entrance

Reserved seat identification
 On the ground only

Additional information

This parking lot is located at the side of the facility, on the boulevard Sainte-Anne side. To reach the Basilica's front door, you have to cross a railroad track. Be careful here for the front wheels of a wheelchair. 

Washroom | (located : Près de la boutique)

 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5m wide x 1.5m deep on each side of the door / chicane
 Difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill : 2 cm
 Opening requiring significant physical effort

Accessible washroom(s)
 Indoor maneuvering space at least 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m deep inside

Accessible washroom bowl
 No transfer zone on the side of the toilet bowl

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the left of the bowl
 Horizontal to the right of the bowl
 At least 76 cm in length
 Located between 75 cm and 85 cm above the floor
 Located in the transfer area

 Accessible toilet room: no signage

Additional information

This assessment covers both men's and women's toilet facilities. These are the toilets next to the store, in a separate building.


 Signage on the entrance door

Front door
 Maneuvering space : 1,3 m x       1,5 m
 Free width of at least 80 cm
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism

Driveway leading to the entrance
 Rough ground

Course without obstacles
 Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm

Number of accessible floor(s) / Total number of floor(s)
  3 accessible floor(s) / 3 floor(s)

 Maneuvering space at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep located in front of the door
 Dimension : 3 m wide x 1,3 m deep

Scissor lift
 Accessible lifting platform

 Road sign(s) difficult to spot
 Small character traffic sign
 Traffic sign in non-contrasting color

Course without obstacles
 No obstruction

Movement between floors

Signage on the door
 No signage on the front door

 Outward opening door
 Restricted clear width : 76 cm

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1,1 m wide x 1,1 meters deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 86 cm

Grab bar(s)
 Horizontal behind the bowl
 Oblique left
 Too small : 63 cm in length
 Located between 75 and 85 cm above the floor

 Accessible sink

Additional information

Close to the secondary entrance. A second, similar toilet is located at the end of the corridor, but the transfer area is 81 cm.

Building* Boutique souvenir

 Signage on the entrance door

Front door
 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m
 Free width of at least 80 cm
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism

Indoor circulation
 Maneuvering area present at least 1.5 m in diameter

Cash counter
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Indoor circulation
 No obstruction