Le Mount Stephen

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Le Mount Stephen
144 rue Drummond
Montréal, (Québec)
H3G 1V9

Phone 1: 514 313 1000
Website: www.lemountstephen.com/
Email: service@lemountstephen.com

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This facility is accessible only from the indoor parking lot, due to the presence of several steps at the main entrance.

Bed height room 708 : 62,5 cm

Wheelchair available on request

Number of accessible rooms : 0
Number of partialy accessible rooms : 6
Number of rooms : 90


Exterior Entrance | (Main entrance)

Pathway leading to the entrance
 On a gentle slope

Step(s) leading to entrance
 1 step or more : 13 steps
 Handrail on one side only

 No access ramp

Additional information

 Accessible entrance via parking lot

Parking | (S2)

Type of parking

Presence of slope
 Gentle slope

Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 1

Reserved seat location
 Near the entrance

Reserved seat size
 Free width of at least 2.4 m
 Restricted Side Aisle Clear Width : 1,15 m

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Without obstacles

Additional information

Valet service at parking entrance

Interior of the building : Centre d'affaires au niveau mezzanine

Movement between floors

Additional information

100% of the tables are accessible

Interior of the building : Escalier menant au sous-sol (piscine, salle d'entraînement et spa)

Movement between floors
 No machinery to go up

Additional information

Anti-slip strip only on top and bottom steps

No contrasting strips on stair nosing

Interior of the building : Lobby, ascenseur et comptoir réception

 Accessible elevator

 Counter surface : 111 cm above floor
 No clearance under the counter
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Universal washroom

Signage on the door
 Signage on the entrance door

 Maneuvering space outside : 1,37 m wide x 1,5 m deep in front of the door
 Interior maneuvering space : 1,09 m wide x 1,61 m deep in front of the door
 Lateral clearance on the side of the handle : 18 cm

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1,2 m wide x 1,2 meters deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 80 cm

Grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the left of the bowl
 Horizontal behind the bowl

 Raised surface : 88,4 cm au-dessus du plancher

Additional information

Basement floor accessible only by stairs

Universal washroom | (located near the reception)

 Lateral clearance on the side of the handle : 30 cm
 Inward opening door

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1,30 m wide x 2 meters deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl of at least 90 cm

Grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the right of the bowl
 Horizontal behind the bowl

 Clearance under sink : 64,3 cm

Washroom | (located near the reception)

 Maneuvering space outside : 1,5 m wide x 1,12 m depth in front of the door / baffle type door

 Clearance under sink : 55,9 cm above floor

Accessible washroom(s)
 Maneuvering space in front of the door : 1,5 m wide x 1 m deep
 Indoor maneuvering space at least 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m deep inside

Accessible washroom bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the toilet bowl of at least 90 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the right of the bowl
 Horizontal behind the bowl

 Accessible toilet room: signage

Swimming pool*

 Swimming pool inaccessible

Additional information

Basement level accessible only by stairs

Exercise room*

 Exercise room inaccessible

Additional information

Basement floor accessible only by stairs

Accommodation Unit* Chambre 708 (Located 7e étage)

Interior entrance door
 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m
 Difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill : 2,8   cm
 Difference in level between the interior floor covering and the door sill : 2,8 cm
 Opening requiring significant physical effort

Indoor circulation
 Maneuvering space : 1 m in diameter

 Mattress Top : 62,5 cm above floor
 No clearance under the bed
 Maneuvering area on the side of the bed : 1 mètre

Wardrobe / Coat hook
 Rod : 1,82 m above the floor

Work desk
 Clearance under desk : 58,5 cm above the floor

Possibility of moving the furniture at the request of the customer
 Furniture can be moved as needed

 1 bed
 Queen-size bed
 Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm

Additional information

Limited space in the corridor leading to the bedroom and in front of the refrigerator: 90 cm

Switches with several modes to choose from, can be difficult to use

Front door
 Opening requiring significant physical effort
 Exterior handle : Encastrée

Interior maneuvering area
 Maneuvering area : 0,90 m width x 2,2 m depth

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 82 cm width x 2,2 m depth

Grab bar to the right of the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

Grab bar behind the toilet
 A horizontal grab bar

 Shower with a threshold height of : 1 cm
 Clear width of entrance : 90 cm
 Shower with door
 Area of more than 90 cm x 1.5 m
 Fixed transfer bench

Shower: grab bar on right side wall
 Horizontal, oblique or L-shaped bar

Shower: grab bar on the wall facing the entrance
 Horizontal, vertical or oblique bar

Front door
 Sliding doors

Additional information

Toilet flush with several modes and buttons, can be difficult to use

Slight slope at shower entrance

Telephone near toilet for contacting reception for assistance