Place des Arts - Salle d’exposition

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Art Gallery/Centre

Full access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Place des Arts - Salle d’exposition
175, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest
Montréal, (Québec)
H2X 1Y9

Phone 1: 514 842 2112
Phone 2: 1 866 842 2112
Website :

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Activities and related services

Place des Arts
Full access
Place des Arts - Cinquième Salle
Partial access
Hearing impairments
Place des Arts - Salle d’exposition
Full access
Place des Arts - Salon Urbain
Partial access
Place des Arts - Théâtre Claude-Léveillée
Not accessible
Hearing impairments
Place des Arts - Théâtre Jean-Duceppe
Partial access
Hearing impairments
Place des Arts - Théâtre Maisonneuve
Partial access
Hearing impairments


This Exhibition Room has an accessible entrance and exit. Exhibitions presented here are temporary. Also note that this Exhibition Room becomes the accessible entrance to Théâtres Claudes-Léveillée and Maisonneuve.


Interior entrance | (Main entrance)

Driveway leading to the entrance
 Without slope or gently sloping
 Free width of at least 1.1 m

2nd Gateway
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism

Interior entrance door
 Sliding doors
 No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door

2nd Gateway
 No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door

Interior entrance | (Located : près de la salle d'exposition, Secondary entrance)

Signage on the door
 No signage on the front door

Interior entrance door
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism
 No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door

Additional information

Here's the entrance and the secondary route that leads to an elevator to reach the floors where the accessible spaces are located.


Indoor circulation
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
 Maneuvering area of at least 1.5 m in diameter available
 Glossy floor covering

 Non-tilted objects
 Written in small print

 Bench height : 44,7 cm