Mont-Royal - Café des Amis - Pavillon du Lac-aux-Castors

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Regional / municipal park

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Mont-Royal - Café des Amis - Pavillon du Lac-aux-Castors
2000, chemin Remembrance
Montréal, (Québec)
H3H 1X2

Phone 1: 514 843 8240

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Activities and related services

Mont-Royal - Le Belvédère Camilien-Houde
Partial access
Mont-Royal - Le Belvédère Kondiaronk
Partial access
Mont-Royal - Maison Smith
Full access
Mont-Royal - Parc Tiohtià:ke Otsira’kéhne
Not accessible
Parc du Mont-Royal
Partial access
Visual impairments


The Pavillon du Lac-aux-Castors is home to our winter equipment rental service. A partially adapted washroom is located on the second floor near the Café des Amis counter. Rental of an adapted winter toboggan is available on request.


Parking | (Terrain 115 et 116, 1658 Chem. Remembrance)

Total number of places
 Between 101 and 200 seats

Presence of slope
 Steep slop : 6,5 %

Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 4

parking meter
 Slots (coin, card or parking ticket) and raised control buttons : 1,3 m

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Steep slope

Interior of the building

Course without obstacles
 Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm

Inside of the establishment* : Comptoir de location d'équipements hivernaux au rez-de-chaussée

  2 accessible floor(s) / 2 floor(s)

 Fixed bench

Entrance* | (Located : Au rez-de-chaussée )

 Main entrance

 Access to entrance: gentle sloop

 Paved walkway to the entrance

 Walkway to the entrance width: more than 1.1 m

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the ramp

 ramp with with two side edges higher than 10 cm

 Access ramp: clear width between 87 cm and 92 cm

 Access ramp: steep slope  : 10 %

 Exterior door sill too high  : 2 cm

 Interior door sill too high  : 3 cm

 Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

 Clear 2nd door width: 80 cm

Entrance* | (Located : 2e étage)

 Main entrance

 Access to entrance: gentle sloop

 Paved walkway to the entrance

 Walkway to the entrance width: more than 1.1 m

 No-step entrance

 Fixed ramp

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the ramp

 Access ramp: clear width between 87 cm and 92 cm

 Access ramp: steep slope  : 10 %

 Manoeuvring space in front of the door: larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

 Automatic Doors

 Clear 2nd door width: 80 cm

 The 2nd door is automatic

 No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door

 No horizontal strip and/or patterns on glass door

Washroom with one stall* | (Located : 1er étage)

 Passageway for accessing to toilet room larger than 1,1 m

 No-step entrance

 Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

 Automatic Doors

 Toilet room: door opening to inside

 Toilet room area : 2,37 m x 2,40 m

 Narrow manoeuvring clearance : 1 m x 1 m

 Narrow clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl : 80 cm

 Raised toilet seat : 49 cm

 Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground
 Vertical grab bar at left of the toilet: too high : 1,20 cm

 Vertical grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm
 Non insolated exposed pipes
 clear space area in front of the sink larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m

Additional information

The changing table is broken and prevents a proper transfer area in the toilet.

There are no back supports for tankless toilets.

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Passageway for accessing to toilet room larger than 1,1 m

 Inadequate clearance under the sink : 62 cm
 Non insolated exposed pipes

 Manoeuvring space in front of the urinal larger than 80 cm x 1.2 m
 Urinal: rim between 48.8 cm and 51.2 cm
 Urinal: no grab bar

  1  3 

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the toilet stall

 Accessible toilet stall: door clear width larger than 80 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: door opening outside the stall

 Accessible toilet stall: space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m : 1,47 m x 1,5 m

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow manoeuvring space : 0,90 m x 0,90 m

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow clear space area on the side : 85 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at right located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

Additional information

There are no back supports for tankless toilets.

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Passageway for accessing to toilet room larger than 1,1 m

 Entrance : No-step entrance

 Entrance: toilet room door width larger than 80 cm

 Entrance: no automatic door

 Entrance: toilet room door opening toward outside
 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the toilet room

 Non insolated exposed pipes

  1  9 

 Manoeuvring space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m in front of the toilet stall

 Accessible toilet stall: door clear width larger than 80 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: no inside door handle

 Accessible toilet stall: space larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m : 1,5 m x 1,6 m

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow manoeuvring space : 1,0 m x 1,0 m

 Accessible toilet stall: more than 87.5 cm of clear space area on the side

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar at the left

 Accessible toilet stall: horizontal grab bar behind the toilet located between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Accessible toilet stall: toilet paper dispenser too low : 76 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: garbage can located in the floor space area

Additional information

There are no back supports for tankless toilets.

Food service* | Café des amis (Located : 1er étage)

 Passageway between tables larger than 92 cm

 Inadequate clearance under the table : 65 cm

 No table service

 Cash stand is too high : 109 cm
 Cash counter: no clearance
 Cash counter: inadequate clearance depth : 13 cm
 Cash counter: passageway to longer than 92 cm

Additional information

Menu and opening hours: Café des Amis

Terrace* | (au deuxième étage)

 Outside menu lower than 1.2 m from the ground

 Non accessible entrance by the building

 Access by the building: outside door sill too high : 3 cm

 Access by the building: no interior door sill

 Access by the building: door larger than 80 cm

 Access by the building: no automatic door

 Access by the building: 2nd door wider than 80 cm

 All sections are accessible.

 Passageway between tables larger than 92 cm

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

 Table height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the table

 Access by the building: no horizontal stripes/patterns on the glass door