Igloofest Montréal

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Event / Festival

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Igloofest Montréal
500 rue Sainte-Catherine Est, 4e étage
Montréal, (Québec)
H2L 2C6

Phone 1: 514 904 1247
Website: igloofest.ca
Email: info@igloofest.ca

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Please note that the site evaluation was carried out for the 2024 edition, so subsequent editions may differ.

As this is a winter event, the ground surface (asphalt, clay, snow, ice) may vary according to the weather and attendance, but the base is firm throughout the site.

Temporary kiosks (bar, store, entertainment, partners) and activation zone - variable accessibility depending on configuration.


Chemical toilet | (Located : près de la zone réservée)

Chemical toilet door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Toilet size
 Dimension of at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep

 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 82 cm width x 1,5 m depth

Grab bar to the left of the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

Grab bar behind the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

Toilet paper dispenser
 Toilet paper dispenser located at a height of : 1,30 cm above the ground

 No sink

Outdoor dining area

Moving around the catering area

Reserved area | Scène principale - terrasse VIP (On the coast)

 1 step or more : 14 steps

 No access ramp

Scissor lift
 With assistance
 Free width of the door opening at least 80 cm

Chemical toilet | (Located : près de l'entrée principale)

Chemical toilet door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Toilet size
 Dimension of at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep

 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 82 cm width x 1,5 m depth

Grab bar to the left of the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

Grab bar behind the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

Toilet paper dispenser
 Toilet paper dispenser located at a height of : 1,30 cm above the ground

 No sink

Temporary kiosk : Boutique (de type conteneur)

Aisle leading to the kiosk
 1 step or more : 1 steps

 No access ramp

 Counter surface : 1,20 cm above the ground
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Temporary kiosk : Animation et partenaires

Aisle leading to the kiosk
 1 step or more : 1 steps

 No access ramp

Temporary kiosk : Bar (de type conteneur)

 Counter surface : 1,20 cm above the ground
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Exterior Entrance* | (Located : Pavillon Jacques-Cartier, Main entrance)

Step(s) leading to entrance
 Ground level

Front door
 Difference in level between the exterior floor covering and the door sill : 3 cm
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Interior of the building : Pavillon Jacques-Cartier

 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Additional information

First floor accessible, 2nd floor not accessible at the time of our visit (elevator access prohibited). Authorization to use the elevator would give access to the mezzanine rest area ... however, the walkway remains dead-end, as it ends in a staircase leading directly to the VIP terrace.

Washroom | (located : Pavillon Jacques-Cartier)

 Free width of at least 80 cm

 Raised surface : 93 cm above floor
 Faucets away from the rim of the sink : 51 cm

Changing table
 Raised Surface : 90 cm above floor

Accessible toilet cubicle door
 Free width of the door at least 85 cm
 Door aligned with a clear space of : 1,40 m wide x 2,40 m deep in the cabin

Accessible washroom bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the toilet bowl : 81 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Horizontal behind the bowl
 Oblique right
 Located : 60 cm above floor

Washroom | (located : Pavillon Jacques-Cartier)

 Free width of at least 80 cm

 Raised surface : 93 cm above floor
 Faucets away from the rim of the sink : 51 cm

 Maneuvering space in front of the urinal : 80 cm width x 92 cm deep
 No grab bar

Accessible washroom(s)
 Maneuvering space in front of the door : 93 m wide x 1,40 m deep

Accessible toilet cubicle door
 Free width of the door at least 85 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Oblique right
 Too small : 54 cm in length
 Located between 75 cm and 85 cm above the floor