Maison de la culture de Trois-Rivières - Salle Anaïs-Allard-Rousseau et Salle Louis-Philippe-Poisson

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Auditorium / Theatre

Partial access
Hearing impairments

Self-evaluation year by the establishment: 2023 *

* Evaluated based on pictures only.

Maison de la culture de Trois-Rivières - Salle Anaïs-Allard-Rousseau et Salle Louis-Philippe-Poisson
1425, Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, C.P.368
Trois-Rivières, (Québec)
G9A 5H3

Phone 1: 819 372 4614
Website :

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Parking* | (situé : à l'autogare de l'hôtel de ville)

 One or more reserved parking spaces : 2

Inside of the establishment*



 Main entrance

 Automatic Doors

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: door opening outside the stall

Exhibit area* : Salle Louis-Philippe-Poisson

 All sections are accessible.

 All seating accessible to disabled persons

 Removable seating

Exhibit area* : Salle Anaïs-Allard-Rousseau

 Entrance: double door

 Some sections are non accessible

 Reserved seating located in centre

 Frequency hearing assistance system   : 92.5 FM

Additionnal information

It is best to communicate with the establishment beforehand to properly plan your visit.