Chalet La Liberté

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Cottage, condo, tourist home

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Chalet La Liberté
355 montée Sainte-Marie
Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, (Québec)
J0T 2B0

Phone 1: 514 582 3809

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Bedroom no 1: floor above mattress = 54 cm with clearance. 
Bedroom no 2: floor above mattress = 57 cm with clearance.
For other details of the accommodation unit, please refer to the section below.

This data was collected during our visit on May 9, 2024.

Number of accessible rooms : 2
Number of rooms : 2


Exterior Entrance | (Main entrance)

 Fixed access ramp
 Level difference at the bottom of the ramp : 4 cm
 Free width of at least 87 cm

Front door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Additional information

Large stones form the first 3 steps of the outside staircase, the next 5 being made of wood.


Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Without obstacles


Indoor circulation
 Maneuvering space of at least 1.5 m in diameter
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm

Kitchen counter
 Area located at : 92 cm above the floor
 Sink surface located at : 92 cm above the floor

 Maneuvering space in front of the refrigerator : 1,12 m in diameter
 Front Range Controls
 Hood controls inaccessible

Dinner table
 Accessible table(s)

Living room*

 100% of living room accessible

 Living room: sofa less than 50 cm from floor

 Terrace: manoeuvring space in front of door exceeds 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 Terrace: clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

 Terrace: manoeuvring space exceeds 1.5 m x 1.5 m

Room* : Chambre no 1

 Manoeuvring space in front of room door exceeds 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 Clear width of room door exceeds 80 cm

 Manoeuvring space in room restricted : 120 cm x 120 cm

 Transfer zone between two beds exceeds 92 cm

 2 beds
 Single bed
 Bed too high  : 54 cm

 Room furnishings can be moved if necessary

Room* : Chambre no 2

 Manoeuvring space in front of room door restricted  : 1,07 m x 1,5 m

 Clear width of room door exceeds 80 cm

 Manoeuvring space in room restricted : 140 cm x 140 cm

 Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm

 1 bed
 Queen-size bed
 Bed too high  : 57 cm

 Room furnishings can be moved if necessary

Salle de bain | (Located : À côté de la chambre 2)

Front door
 Maneuvering area on each side of the door at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
 Free width of at least 80 cm

Toilet bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the bowl at least 90 cm wide x 1.5 m deep

Grab bar to the right of the toilet
 Horizontal grab bar

 Height of clearance under sink : 64 cm

 Shower bath
 Non-slip bath mat available

Bath: grab bar on right side wall
 Vertical bar
 Length : 83 cm

Bath: grab bar on the wall facing the entrance
 Horizontal or L-shaped bar
 Length : 0,84  m

Additional information

Transfer bench available.