Condos-Hôtels Natakam

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Cottage, condo, tourist home

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2009

Condos-Hôtels Natakam
46, rue de la Réserve
Essipit, (Québec)
G0T 1K0

Phone 1: 418 233 2266
Phone 2: 1 888 868 6666

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Number of partialy accessible rooms : 2
Number of rooms : 32

  • Entrance*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Entrance: door sill more than 13 mm
  • Inside of the establishment*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Reception counter too high : 1,01 m
  • Shop*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Access to the store
  • Room*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Room(s): door width between 710-800 mm : 74 cm (chambre)
    • Room(s): door sill more than 13 mm : 3,5 cm
    • Room(s): light switch too high
    • Room(s) : bed too high : trop haut : 60 cm
  • Bathroom*

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Bathroom : insufficient clearance under the sink : 65,5 cm
    • Bathroom: limited manoeuvring space : devant la salle de bain