L'Espace culturel du Quartier Saint-Nicolas

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Museum / Historic Site

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

L'Espace culturel du Quartier Saint-Nicolas
1450 Rue des Pionniers
Lévis, (Québec)
G7A 4L6

Phone 1: 418 831 5257
Website: https://www.ecqsn.com/
Email: info@espaceculturelduquartier.ca

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The first floor (store and permanent exhibition) is partially accessible.

The first floor (temporary exhibitions) is accessible only by stairs.



Presence of slope
 Gentle slope

Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 1

Reserved seat location
 Far from the entrance

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Accident : Seuil de 2 cm entre dalles de béton
 Unsafe route : Pente 8.4% et cache-fils

Exterior Entrance* | (Main entrance)

 No ledges on the sides of the access ramp
 Level difference at the top of the ramp : 3 cm

Front door
 Maneuvering space : 1,3 m x       1,5 m
 Steep Slope Bevel Level Difference : 5,5 %
 Difference in level between the interior floor covering and the door sill : 2 cm

Additional information

The clear width of the entrance is restricted by the pink chairs (95 cm) on the patio (only in winter).

Interior of the building : Rez-de-chaussée

Course without obstacles
 2 or more steps : 18 steps
 Handrail : 80 cm above the ground

Number of accessible floor(s) / Total number of floor(s)
  1 accessible floor(s) / 2 floor(s)

 Accessible counter

Universal washroom

 Restricted clear width : 71 cm
 Round interior handle

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1 m wide x 1,5 meters deep

Toilet bowl
 Center (axis) away from nearest adjacent wall : 60 cm

Grab bar(s)
 L-shaped left

 Raised surface : 88 cm au-dessus du plancher
 Faucets away from the rim of the sink : 47 cm

Sanitary equipment
 Hard-to-reach soap dispenser

Additional information

No grab rail behind the toilet


Indoor circulation
 Traffic corridor : 70 cm
 75% of sections are accessible

Additional information

The clear width of the circulation corridors in the Jewelry section is restricted (70 and 87 cm), and there is no space to turn around.


 Maneuvering space in front of panels : 110 cm width x 150 cm
 Guided tour

Indoor circulation