Restaurant Les Labours / Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix
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Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024
Restaurant Les Labours / Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix
50, rue de la Ferme
Baie-Saint-Paul, (Québec)
G3Z 0G2
Phone 1: 418 240 4100
Activities and related services
Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix |
Not accessible
Visual impairments
Hearing impairments
Restaurant le Bercail / Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix |
Full access
Spa Nordique / Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix |
Partial access
Exterior Entrance |
(Main entrance)
Front door
Steep Slope Bevel Level Difference : 40 %
Free width of at least 80 cm
No continuous opaque strip on the glass door
Electric opening door not equipped with a safety detector stopping the movement of the door in the presence of an obstacle
2nd Entrance Door
No continuous opaque strip on the glass door
Door equipped with an electric opening mechanism
Movement between floors
Accessible elevator
Removable tables
Removable Terminal
buffet counter
Counter surface : 94 cm above floor
No clearance under the counter
Food located less than 50 cm from the edge of the counter
100% of the tables are accessible.
Additional information
Most of the food on the buffet is not easy to reach and requires a bend in the wrist to reach.
Change room* Stationnement
Presence of slope
Gentle slope
Number of reserved places
Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 2
Charging station for electric vehicles
Located on a concrete base and without a curb
Parking Space Clear Width, Restricted : 2,8 m
Gun and/or elevated controls : 1,5 m
Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
Without obstacles
Additional information
No sign to indicate the second parking space.
Change room* Salles de toilettes
Driveway leading to the entrance
Carpet flooring
Free width of at least 80 cm
Toilet bowl
No transfer zone on the side of the bowl
No back support for tankless toilet
Grab bar(s)
Horizontal to the left of the bowl
Horizontal behind the bowl
Changing table
Raised handle : 1,5 m
Raised Surface : 113 cm
Additional information
Due to the positioning of the washbasin in the transfer area, it is only possible to transfer at an angle or to the front of the bowl.