Musée d'art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Museum / Historic Site

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Musée d'art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul
23, rue Ambroise-Fafard
Baie-Saint-Paul, (Québec)
G3Z 2J2

Phone 1: 418 435 3681

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Activities and related services

Symposium de Baie-Saint-Paul
Not accessible


CAL card accepted

2 manual wheelchairs available on request

The washroom has certain obstacles that can compromise accessibility, notably the width of the door.

Consult the Universal washroom fact sheet to find out if it meets your needs.



Reserved seat size
 Free width of at least 2.4 m
 No side aisle on the side

Reserved seat identification
 Using a panel

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 In concrete
 Gentle slope
 Curb cut in front of the accessible entrance

Additional information

Reserved parking on the street, with no signs on the ground.

Terrace* | (Placette Desjardins)

 Narrow outside passageway to the terrace : 0,77 m

 Outside entrance: no step

 100% of the tables are accessible.

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

Additional information

The entire terrace is gently sloping.

The asphalt surface is uneven in several places.

Access is possible from above and below. There is a removable fence for wider access if required.

Building* Musée

Pathway leading to the entrance
 On a gentle slope

Step(s) leading to entrance
 1 step or more : 3 steps
 No handrail

 Clear width of at least 1.1 m
 On a gentle slope
 No handrail

Front door
 Opening requiring significant physical effort
 Door equipped with an electric opening mechanism

Additional information

At the time of the assessment, the automatic door opener was broken.

No surface with tactile warning indicators at top of stairs

No continuous opaque strip on glass door

Number of accessible floor(s) / Total number of floor(s)
  3 accessible floor(s) / 3 floor(s)

 Counter surface : 100 cm above floor
 No clearance under the counter
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

drinking fountain
 Raised spout : 110 cm
 Insufficient Clearance Under Fountain : 0 cm

 Easily identifiable traffic sign(s)

Driveway leading to the entrance
 Carpet flooring

Signage on the door
 Signage on the entrance door

 Interior maneuvering space : 1 m wide x 1,5 m deep in front of the door
 Lateral clearance on the side of the handle : 0 cm
 Insufficient clear width : 75 cm
 Difficult to use latch
 Opening requiring significant physical effort

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1,1 m wide x 1,1 meters deep

Grab bar(s)
 L-shaped right
 Horizontal behind the bowl

 Clearance under sink : 64 cm

 Insufficient clear width : 75 cm

Accessible washroom bowl
 No transfer zone on the side of the toilet bowl

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 No grab bar near the toilet

 Majority of items at hand

Cash counter
 Counter surface : 112 cm above floor
 No clearance under the counter
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Indoor circulation
 No obstruction

Indoor circulation
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
 Maneuvering area of at least 1.5 m in diameter available

Additional information

At the time of the assessment, some works of art displayed directly on the floor without hazard warning devices constituted a fall hazard.

Indoor circulation
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm
 Maneuvering area of at least 1.5 m in diameter available

 Bench height : 39 cm

Additional information

A small part of the exhibition is not accessible (3 steps)

Very dark exhibition with very low color contrasts between the color of the descriptions and the background.

Carpet floor covering

Poles, wires and works of art on the floor difficult to identify due to lighting