Parc du Havre

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Regional / municipal park

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

Parc du Havre
20, chemin du Havre
La Malbaie, (Québec)
G5A 2Y4

Phone 1:

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Parking | (Musée de Charlevoix)

Presence of slope
 Gentle slope

Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 3

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Without obstacles

Interior of the building : Bâtiment de services

drinking fountain
 Fitted out for people with disabilities

 Easily identifiable traffic sign(s)

Additional information

Presence of a bench

Washroom | (located : Bâtiment de services)

 Opening requiring significant physical effort
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism

Sanitary equipment
 Raised Mirror Bottom : 1,2 cm above floor

Changing table
 Raised handle : 1,3 m above floor

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the left of the bowl
 Horizontal behind the bowl

Sanitary equipment
 Hand dryer far from the sink

Additional information

Electric opening mechanism broken at time of assessment.

Toilet door requires significant physical effort to open.

Wastebasket too close to sink.

Restoration : Bar et camion-restaurant

 Removable Terminal

Additional information

Gently sloping access ramp to bar.

Catering truck : Raised shelf

Exhibit area* : Scène extérieure

 Some sections are non accessible

 No seating reserved for disabled persons

Additional information

Slope-free area upstage. No reserved seating but plenty of space available.

Sloped grassy area with no rest areas.

Outdoor activity* : Sentier, jeux d’eau et modules pour enfants

 No accessible picnic table

 Walking trail on compacted stone dust
 Walking trail on interlocking brick

 Walking trail with borders

Additional information

No accessible table

Accessible water features

Non-accessible play modules (1 step) and grass and mulch surfaces for access