Hôtel Comfort Inn Drummondville

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2014

Hôtel Comfort Inn Drummondville
1055, rue Hains
Drummondville, (Québec)
J2C 6G6

Phone 1: 819 477 4000
Phone 2: 1 800 465 6116
Website: www.choicehotels.com/cn324
Email: cn324@whg.com

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No picture available

Number of partialy accessible rooms : 1
Number of rooms : 58
Accessible parking : 2



 Exterior parking lot

 One or more reserved parking spaces : 2

 Reserved parking spaces near the entrance

 No passageway between spaces

 Parking space identification on the ground

Inside of the establishment*

  1 accessible floor(s) / 2 floor(s)

 No machinery to go up

Room* : 101

 Ground floor

 Bedroom accessible with help

 Clear width of room door insufficient : 75 cm

 Lock: magnetic card
 Lock too low  : 112 m

 Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm

 1 bed
 Queen-size bed
 Bed too high  : 64 cm
 Bed: clearance under bed


 Main entrance

 Exterior door sill too high  : 3 cm

Washroom with one stall*

 Inacessible toilet room

 Inadequate clear width door : 74 cm

 Toilet bowl too near from the wall : 24 cm

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Toilet seat height: between 40 cm and 46 cm

 No grab bar near the toilet

 Toilet paper dispenser: too low : 65 cm

Food service*

 Food service designed for handicaped persons

 Access to the dining room

 Main entrance inside the building

 Table service available

Exhibit area* : 108

 Ground floor

 Main entrance inside the building

 Entrance: sub-standard door width : 75 cm

Bathroom* : 101

 Bathroom accessible with help

 Clear width of bathroom door restricted (between 76 and 79 cm)

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Toilet seat height: between 40 cm and 46 cm

 Diagonal grab bar left of toilet too low  : 80 cm

 Horizontal grab bar behind toilet too low : 80 cm

 Standard bathtub/shower

 Bathtub: round faucets

 Bathtub: hand-held shower head lower than 1.2 m

 Bathtub: removable transfer bench available

 Bathtub: no grab bar on back wall

 Bathtub: grab bar near faucets: vertical