Hôtel-Motel St-Régis

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Not accessible

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2014

Hôtel-Motel St-Régis
1435, route 116
Danville, (Québec)
J0A 1A0

Phone 1: 819 839 3398

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No picture available

Number of accessible rooms : 0
Number of rooms : 11



 Exterior parking lot

 Coarse gravel ground
 Dirt ground

 No parking space for handicapped persons

Entrance (accommodation)* | (chambre #5)

 One step

 Landing sill too high : 3 cm

Room* : #5

 Manoeuvring space in room insufficient

 Transfer zone between two beds insufficient : 70 cm

 Bed too high  : 60 cm

Entrance* | (Accueil/Bar)

 Coarse gravel walkway to the entrance

 Fixed ramp

 Access ramp: handrail on one side only
 Access ramp: handrail too low  : 74 cm

Bathroom* : #5

 Outside sill too high : 6 cm

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 No grab bar near the toilet

 Shower with sill 
 Unobstructed area in front of shower insufficient 

 Shower: no grab bar on back wall

 Shower: no grab bar near faucets