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An excellent article in the Post on the World Summit

An excellent article in the Post on the World Summit

‘Not a niche market': Accessibility for disabled business travellers takes centre stage - To read the article :

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World Summit : Discover the Final Program!

World Summit : Discover the Final Program!

The World Summit Destinations for All will welcome over 130 speakers from 30 countries this October. The organizing committee is proud to announce that the final program is now online featuring 32 sessions, underlying the main themes on transportatio...

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Extended deadline for abstract submission

Extended deadline for abstract submission

The World Summit Destinations for all is now accepting submissions until Monday, April 7th 11:59PM (EST). The Summit is the perfect opportunity to share your research and good practices to make destinations for all. Submit your abstract today!...

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Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts

Practitioners and researchers in the fields of accessible tourism, culture and transportation, are invited to submit abstracts for presentation, following the themes and submission guidelines on Website Summit Destinations for all 2014. Submission de...

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