Réserve Faunique de Portneuf

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Wildlife reserve

Full access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2021

Réserve Faunique de Portneuf
229 rue de Lac Vert
Rivière-à-Pierre, (Québec)
G0A 3A0

Phone 1: 418 323 2021
Website : www.sepaq.com/rf/por/

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Activities and related services

Réserve faunique de Portneuf / Chalet Horizon Tessier #1
Partial access



 Less than 25 available parking spaces

 Asphalted ground

 No parking space for handicapped persons

Inside of the establishment* : Accueil

 Height reception desk between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm from the ground
 Clearance under reception desk: larger than 68.5 cm

 Only main floor is accessible

Inside of the establishment* : Comptoir d'éviscération

 Reception counter too high : 91 cm
 Clearance under reception desk: larger than 68.5 cm


  1  1 

 No-step entrance

 Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

Washroom with one stall*

 Clear width of door exceeds 80 cm

 Manoeuvring clearance larger than 1.5 m x 1.5 m

 Narrow clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl : 83 cm

 Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet height: between 84 cm and 92 cm from the ground

 Toilet paper dispenser: too low

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the sink

 Sink: faucets with sensor


 All sections are accessible.

 100% of shop accessible

 Manoeuvring space diameter larger than 1.5 m available

 Displays height: less than 1.2 m