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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Relaxation Centre / Spa

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

2828, Boulevard Laurier, 17e étage
Québec, (Québec)
G1V 0B9

Phone 1: 418 871 8111
Phone 2: 1 866 656 9111

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IMPORTANT: The roof/terrace baths are not accessible.

Only the treatment center (massage therapy and steam baths) are partially accessible.

Sensory Characteristics

Interior of the building : Ascenseur #1 (à partir du stationnement sous-terrain)

 Braille control buttons
 Embossed control buttons
 Acoustic signal when the door is opened
 No voice synthesizer announcing the floors served
 Visual signal when the door is opened



Reserved seat size
 Free width of at least 2.4 m
 Free width of the side aisle on the side of at least 1.5 m

Route leading from the parking lot to the entrance
 Curb cut in front of the accessible entrance

Exterior Entrance* | (Located : Sous-terrain, Main entrance)

Front door
 Presence of an electric opening mechanism

Interior of the building : Salle de détente

Course without obstacles
 Clear width of the circulation corridor of more than 92 cm
 No obstruction

Interior of the building : Réception & Ascenseur #2 (menant au 17e étage)

 Dimension : 1,95 m wide x 1,60 m deep

 Counter surface : 120 cm above floor
 Wireless or removable payment terminal

Interior of the building : Sky café

 Counter surface : 130 cm above floor

Course without obstacles
 No obstruction

Changing cubicle*

 Changing cubicle: bench between 40 cm and 45 cm

 Changing cubicle: no grab bar near bench

Swimming pool* | (Located : Bains sur les terrasses)

 Swimming pool inaccessible

 Entrance: 2 or more steps : 6 steps

Health centre* : Espace de soins, massage et bains de vapeur

 Health centre: 100% of paths of travel accessible

 Health centre: no equipment adapted for disabled persons

 Massage room: narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door  : 1 m x 3 m

Bathroom* : Vestiaire femme

 Larger than 87.5 cm clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Horizontal grab bar left of toilet too high : 93 cm

 Horizontal grab bar behind toilet too high : 93 cm

 Sink too high : 87,5 cm
 Faucets too far to reach : 46 cm

 Roll-in shower (shower without sill)

 Shower: hand-held shower head higher than 1.2 m : 1,45 m
 Shower: hand-held shower head hose length insufficient  : 1,50 m

 Shower: built-in transfer bench
 Shower: bench between 40 cm and 45 cm

 Shower: grab bar on back wall: horizontal
 Shower: grab bar on back wall too high  : 90 cm

 Shower: grab bar near faucets: vertical
 Shower: grab bar near faucets too high  : 90 cm

Bathroom* : Vestiaire homme

 Manoeuvring space in front of bathroom door restricted  : 1,2 m x 1,5 m

 Transfer zone on side of toilet restricted : 83 cm

 Toilet seat elevated  : 48 cm

 Horizontal grab bar left of toilet too high : 93 cm

 Horizontal grab bar behind toilet too high : 93 cm

 Sink too high : 87,5 cm
 Faucets too far to reach : 46 cm

 Hair dryer too high : 1,23 m

 Roll-in shower (shower without sill)

 Shower: grab bar on back wall too high  : 90 cm

 Shower: grab bar near faucets: vertical
 Shower: grab bar near faucets too high  : 90 cm