Hôtel Repotel Henri IV

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2014

Hôtel Repotel Henri IV
2500, avenue St-Jean-Baptiste
Québec, (Québec)
G2E 6J5

Phone 1: 418 872 1112
Phone 2: 1 866 520 2022
Website: www.repotel.com/
Email: infoh4@chateaurepotel.com

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 One or more reserved parking spaces : 1

Inside of the establishment*

 Reception counter too high : 118 cm
 Reception desk: no clearance under the desk


 Elevator: Braille character control buttons
 Elevator: audible signals when doors open
 Elevator: audible signals at each floor
 Elevator: visual indicators when doors open
 Elevator: visual indicators for each floor

Room* : 115

 Clear width of room door insufficient : 75 cm

 Path of travel in room restricted : 79 cm

 Bed too high  : 68 cm
 Bed: clearance under bed

 Wardrobe: hanger bar too high  : 1,54 m

 Television with subtitles


 Automatic Doors

Washroom with one stall*

 Inadequate clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl : 67 cm

 No clearance under the sink

Food service*

 Portable table

 Cafeteria counter too high
 No clearance under the cafeteria counter

Bathroom* : 115

 Toilet bowl located too far from sink : 24 cm

 Toilet bowl too far from the wall : 32 cm

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Horizontal grab bar at left of the toilet: too low : 75 cm

 Sink: insufficient clearance under sink  : 65 cm

 Bathtub: hand-held shower head lower than 1.2 m

 Bathtub: no transfer bench available

 Bathtub: grab bar on back wall: horizontal
 Bathtub: grab bar on back wall too high  : 35 cm