Camping Domaine de Rouville
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Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2011
Camping Domaine de Rouville
1925, chemin Rouville
Saint-Jean-Baptiste, (Québec)
J0L 2B0
Phone 1: 450 467 6867
Phone 2:
1 866 467 9983
No picture available
Accessible parking : 11
Other features
Caractéristiques motrices
- Grab bar: left side : oblique et trop basse (bloc sanitaire)
- Public telephone: money slot too high : 1,3 m
- Access to the convenience store
Food service*
Caractéristiques motrices
- Access to the restaurant
Caractéristiques motrices
- Access to the common room
Caractéristiques motrices
- Camping sites : insufficient clearance under picnic table
- Camping sites : gravel and grass
Washroom facilities and showers*
Caractéristiques motrices
- Comfort station: washroom: toilet paper dispenser too low : 79 cm
- Comfort station: washroom: insufficient clearance under sink
- Comfort station: washroom: mirror too high : 1,2 m
- Comfort station: washroom: round faucets : (lavabo)
- Comfort station: washroom: no coat hook
- Comfort station: shower stall non accessible
Public washroom*
Caractéristiques motrices
- Washrooms: insufficient clearance under sink : 40 cm
- Washrooms : aucun miroir
- Washroom: hand paper towel / dryer too high : 1,23 m
- Washrooms: door lock too high : 1,07 m
- Washrooms: toilet paper dispenser too low : trop haut : 98 cm