Microbrasserie Nouvelle-France

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Not accessible

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2015

Microbrasserie Nouvelle-France
90, rang Rivière-aux-Écorces
Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, (Québec)
J0K 1V0

Phone 1: 819 265 4000
Website : www.lesbieresnouvellefrance.com
Email: bnf@telmilot.net

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Activities and related services

Microbrasserie Nouvelle-France - Économusée de la bière
Full access



 One or more reserved parking spaces : 1

 Parking space identification on a blue and white information panel

Inside of the establishment*

 Reception counter too high : 90 cm
 Reception desk: no clearance under the desk


 Main entrance

 No automatic door

Washroom with one stall*

 Inacessible toilet room

 Outside door knob handle

 Inside door knob handle

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Diagonal grab bar at left of the toilet: wrong bending

 No clearance under the sink

 No accessible urinal

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Inacessible toilet room

Food service*

 Food service designed for handicaped persons

 Table service available