Pâtisserie Le Palais

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2019

Pâtisserie Le Palais
563, 5e rue de la Pointe
Shawinigan, (Québec)
G9N 1E7

Phone 1: 819 536 7081
Website : www.patisserielepalais.ca
Email: patisserielepalais@hotmail.com

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 Exterior parking lot

Limited time zone
 Limited time : 2 hours

 No parking space for handicapped persons

 Leveled access

Inside of the establishment*

  1 accessible floor(s) / 1 floor(s)


 Main entrance

 Hallway: narrow manoeuvring space : 1,5 m x 1,2 m

 The 2nd door is not automatic

 Automatic 2nd door: not easy to open

Washroom with one stall*

 Toilet room: help offered for handicapped persons

 Narrow manoeuvring clearance in front of door  : 1,2 m x 1,5 m

 The door is not easy to lock.

 Toilet room area : 2,2 m x 1,7 m

 Narrow manoeuvring clearance : ,8 m x 1,5 m

 Grab bar retractible at right

 Sink height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Clearance under the sink: larger than 68.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance depth under the sink : 20 cm

 Sink: round handle faucets

Food service*

 Food service designed for handicaped persons

 Narrow manoeuvring space : 1,2 m x 1,2 m

 Portable table : 50 %

 Table height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the table

 Cash stand is too high : 92 cm
 Bill to pay at the rable


 Terrace designed for handicapped persons

 Table height: between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm
 Inadequate clearance under the table
 Table: clearance depth insufficient  : 25 cm