L'Auberge du Lac Saint-Pierre

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2016

L'Auberge du Lac Saint-Pierre
10 911, rue Notre-Dame Ouest
Trois-Rivières, (Québec)
G9B 6V8

Phone 1: 819 377 5971
Phone 2: 1 888 377 5971
Website: www.aubergelacst-pierre.com/
Email: info@aubergelacst-pierre.com

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Activities and related services

L'Auberge du Lac Saint-Pierre - Restaurant
Partial access

No picture available

Number of partialy accessible rooms : 1
Number of rooms : 30



 Exterior parking lot

 Asphalted ground

 One or more reserved parking spaces : 2

 Good parking space identification on the ground and the information panel P150-5

Inside of the establishment*

 Portable Interior acces ramp

 Interior access ramp: clear width restricted  : 72 cm

  1 accessible floor(s) / 3 floor(s)

Room* : 101

 Ground floor

 Transfer zone on side of bed exceeds 92 cm

 2 beds
 Queen-size bed
 Bed too high  : 70 cm
 Bed: clearance under bed

 Room furnishings can be moved if necessary

 Room number in raised characters

 Television with subtitles

 Telephone equipped with volume control or indicator light
 Flashing fire alarm
 Vibrating alarm system


 Main entrance

 Landing sill too high  : 3,5 cm

Entrance* | (Restaurant)

 Landing sill too high  : 5 cm

 Exterior door sill too high  : 3,5 cm

Washroom with one stall*

 Toilet room: no directional signage
 Toilet room: directionalsignage for men and women

 Inadequate clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl : 52 cm

 Toilet seat height: between 40 cm and 46 cm

 Diagonal grab bar at left of the toilet: too low : 57 cm

Washrooms with multiple stalls*

 Entrance: narrow toilet room door width (between 76 and 79 cm)

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow door clear width

 Accessible toilet stall: narrow clear space area on the side : 84 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: toilet seat size: 40-46 cm

 Accessible toilet stall: diagonal grab bar at the left : 63 cm

Food service*

 Entrance: two steps or more : 2 steps

 Entrance: removable Interior acces ramp

 Entrance: interior access ramp: clear width restricted  : 72 cm

 All sections are accessible.

 Table service available

 No large prints/Braille menu

Swimming pool*

 Swimming pool inaccessible

 Access to swimming pool: entrance located inside building

 Entrance: 2 or more steps : 2 steps

 Entrance: removable access ramp available

 Entrance: access ramp: clear width restricted  : 72 cm

 Entrance: automatic door

 Entrance: sub-standard door width : 66 cm

 Less than 25% of paths of travel accessible around swimming pool

 Swimming pool: no equipment adapted for disabled persons

 Access to swimming pool  : 4 steps
 Access to swimming pool: no access ramp

 Swimming pool: depth between : 1,2 m ans 1,8 m

 Hot tub too high

Bathroom* : 101

 Clear width of bathroom door restricted (between 76 and 79 cm)

 No clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl

 Toilet seat height: between 40 cm and 46 cm

 Diagonal grab bar left of toilet too low  : 76 cm

 Shower with sill  : 2 cm

 Shower: clear width of entrance insufficient  : 89 cm

 Shower: surface area exceeds 90 cm x 1.5 m

 Shower: hand-held shower head higher than 1.2 m : 1,4 m

 Shower: removable transfer bench available

 Shower: grab bar on back wall: vertical

 Shower: grab bar on wall in front of faucets: vertical