La Maison Lavande - Culture et Parfumerie

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Family activities

Partial access

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2024

La Maison Lavande - Culture et Parfumerie
902, rang de la Fresnière
Saint-Eustache, (Québec)
J7R 0G4

Phone 1: 450 473 3009
Phone 2: 1 877 780 3009

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La maison lavande is a boutique and perfumery located in Saint-Eustache. You can visit the fields, which are usually in full bloom in July. You can also simply visit the boutique, where all products are handmade on site. The toilet near the boutique is not accessible, but those in the barn (in the fields) are partially accessible. The picnic tables are not accessible, but those near the barn are.


Exterior Entrance | (Main entrance)

 Fixed access ramp
 Level difference at the bottom of the ramp : 2 cm
 Free width of at least 87 cm
 No handrail

Front door
 Difference in level between the interior floor covering and the door sill : 3 cm
 Free width of at least 80 cm


Number of reserved places
 Reserved seat(s) for people with disabilities: : 5

Universal washroom | (located : À la parfumerie)

Driveway leading to the entrance
 Free width of at least 1.1 m

 Free width of at least 80 cm
 Opening requiring significant physical effort

Interior maneuvering space
 Restricted Maneuvering Space : 1,8 m wide x 1,45 meters deep

Toilet bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the bowl : 54 cm

Grab bar(s)
 Horizontal to the right of the bowl
 Too small : 63 cm in length
 Located : 115 cm above floor

Washroom | (located : Grange)

 Circulation corridor at least 1.1 m wide

 No door / Baffle type door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

 Raised edge : 48 cm
 No grab bar

Accessible washroom(s)
 Maneuvering space in front of the door at least 1.5 m wide x 1.5 m deep
 Indoor maneuvering space at least 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m deep inside

Accessible toilet cubicle door
 Free width of the door at least 85 cm

Accessible washroom bowl
 Transfer zone on the side of the toilet bowl of at least 90 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Oblique left
 Too small : 45 cm in length

Washroom | (located : Grange)

 No door / Baffle type door
 Free width of at least 80 cm

 Surface between 68.5 cm and 86.5 cm above the floor
 Clearance under sink : 56 cm above floor

Accessible washroom(s)
 Maneuvering space in front of the door : 1,34 m wide x 1,5 m deep
 Indoor maneuvering space at least 1.2 m wide x 1.2 m deep inside

Accessible toilet cubicle door
 Free width of the door at least 85 cm

Accessible washroom bowl
 Transfer area on the side of the toilet bowl : 72 cm

Accessible toilet stall grab bar(s)
 Oblique right
 Too small : 48 cm in length

Shop : La parfumerie

Indoor circulation
 Circulation corridor of at least 92 cm

 Majority of items at hand

Cash counter
 No clearance under the counter

Indoor circulation

Outdoor activity*

 Path without obstacles on the site
 Path on the site on compacted stone dust
 Path on the site on grass

 Walking trail: width of more than 1 m

 Walking trail: interpretive panel at less than 1.2 m from the ground

Additional information

To access the barn, a concrete slab with a 3 cm threshold is required.

Tables are accessible only on the concrete slab. There are no picnic tables available on site.

The bridges leading to the various sections (including the family zone) also have a threshold of around 2 cm, and no protective edges or handrails.

There's a QR code audio guide available, detailing the different types of lavender, and more.