Auberge La Seigneurie des Monts

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:


Not accessible

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2013

Auberge La Seigneurie des Monts
21, 1ère Avenue Est
Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, (Québec)
G4V 1A2

Phone 1: 418 763 5308

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No picture available

Number of rooms : 12



 No parking space for handicapped persons

Inside of the establishment*

 Reception counter too high : 108 cm
 Reception desk: no clearance under the desk

Room* : 12

 Bed too high  : 57 cm

 Wardrobe: manoeuvring space in front insufficient : 64 cm x 150 cm
 Wardrobe: hanger bar too high  : 1,68 m

 Room furnishings can be moved if necessary

 Balcony: bevelled exterior door sill with removable ramp

 Balcony: interior door sill too high  : 5,5 cm


 Access ramp: steep slope  : 10,5 %

 Outside door handle with thumb-latch pull

Washroom with one stall*

 Inacessible toilet room

 No grab bar near the toilet

Food service* : Salle a manger et salle de réunion (hiver)

 Non accessible food service

 Entrance: two steps or more

Food service* : salle à manger

 Food service designed for handicaped persons

 Table service available

Bathroom* : 12

 Surface area of bathroom insufficient  : 1,27 m x 1,53 m

 Manoeuvring space in bathroom insufficient

 Toilet bowl too near from the wall : 24 cm

 Inadequate clear floor space on the side of the toilet bowl : 64 cm

 No grab bar near the toilet

 Sink: round handle faucets

 Bathtub: no hand-held shower head

 Bathtub: removable transfer bench available

 Bathtub: no grab bar on back wall

 Bathtub: no grab bar near faucets