Spect'Art Rimouski - Salle Desjardins-TELUS

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Accessibility features

Establishment category:

Auditorium / Theatre

Full access
Hearing impairments

Evaluation year by Kéroul: 2014

Spect'Art Rimouski - Salle Desjardins-TELUS
25, rue St-Germain Ouest, C.P. 710
Rimouski, (Québec)
G5L 7C7

Phone 1: 418 724 0800
Website : www.spectart.com
Email: spectart@spectart.com

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Washroom with one stall*

 Toilet room accessible for handicapped persons

Exhibit area*

 Exhibit area adapted for disabled persons

 Seating reserved for disabled persons : 4

 Reserved seating located at front
 Reserved seating located at back

 Frequency hearing assistance system   : FM 95,1

  • Other features

    Caractéristiques motrices

    • Closet pole : trop haute (1,39 m) dans le vestiaire